In 1980, actress Sally Field won the Oscar for Best Actress in a leading role for her portrayal of Norma Rae; the heroine of the eponymous movie.
Field besting Hollywood notables Jane Fonda and Bette Midler to bring home THE gold.
Based on the real-life experience of Crystal Lee Sutton, Norma Rae is a cotton factory worker in a the 1950’s south. Tired of deplorable working conditions which had taken the life of her father, Norma Rae begins organizing a union to represent the voiceless factory workers.
The effort earning Norma Rae a sheriff’s escort off the factory floor in one of Hollywood’s most enduring and iconic scenes.
THE Reprise
The family-owned business which my fiancéeic Gaetana spent a decade toiling for was acquired by a multi-billion-dollar regional competitor.
THE acquisition bringing a palpable change to employee morale!
Chief among the employee's complaints is the company’s failure to offer any employment reviews. The move leaving the company's many hourly workers with no means of discussing their pay with management. Leaving already low-wage employees with no pay increase in close to three-years.
A period marked by excessive inflation in the cost of living.
The company’s bad faith leaving some employees talking around the water cooler outside Guy's office.
Who Let Her In?
Recently, a company executive made a visit to the Fairfield County region. THE tour giving him an opportunity to spin the corporate tale, and take questions from the staff.
But as the meeting wound to it's close, the room had failed to produce the temerity to ask the difficult question on so many minds.
But channeling the spirit of Norma Rae, my fiancéeic stood apart from her fellow managers when she complained that she hadn't had a review in more than two-years, while reminding the executive of the company’s promise.
Having been on the receiving end of one of Guy’s "reminders," I’m certain he got the point!
Giving Thanks
With a weekend of feasting and football, the year begins to end this week.
This Thanksgiving, Guy and I will go out for dinner, a first for us both. But with my mother the only other guest, a feast hardly seemed worth the trouble.
Thoughts of Thanksgiving remind me how grateful I am you choose to follow my ramblings here each week. I appreciate the commitment, as I often have trouble following them myself!
Writers with no readers are just madmen. Thank you for protecting me from that fate.
Have a happy Thanksgiving and LET'S GO BUCKS!