Recently the artificial intelligence research firm OpenAI released ChatGPT, THE conversationally interactive chat bot which makes everybody a writer.
Like this guy who instructed THE bot to write a children’s book, about a girl named Alice and her imaginary and AI-created friend–Sparkle.
Using a second bot to illustrate the work, “Alice and Sparkle” was for sale on Amazon within 48-hours.
The story of this “author’s” accomplishment went viral, sounding the alarm amongst writers and illustrators alike; while adding context to the conversation surrounding ethics in artificial intelligence.
Eager to learn how easily I could be replaced, I instructed ChatGPT to pen a blog for paint dealers, further prompting the bot from my personal experiences.

It turns out that even the bots know #DanMade a Mistake!
A December to Remember
It’s hard not to notice the upgrade to my December lifestyle since selling my two Bronx, New York paint stores more than three years ago.
As a dealer, the year’s end brought additional responsibilities; final inventory, employee reviews and preparing my accounting for its final scrutiny all keeping me busy through the year's last weeks.
But as a “stay-at-home” and consultant I have no such commitments, making this December a month-long vacation which strained the distinction between my wardrobe, and pajamas.
No Bots Allowed!
The Small Business Administration or SBA is the federal agency responsible for meeting the needs of the country’s 32.5 million small businesses.
Using a variety of funding tools, the SBA loaned more than $45 billion in 2021; to a segment of the economy which represents more than 40% of American economic output.
To further support small business, the SBA provides mentors free of charge to any American who owns a small business or is considering starting one.
The mentors provided to the SBA by SCORE, the Service Core of Retired Executives.
SCORE is a volunteer network of more than 10,000 retired business executives, donating their time and experience in support of the country's small businesses.
To keep the ranks of mentors filled, the 300 SCORE chapters nationwide seek out retired executives who are “proficient at guiding a client” and, willing to commit “a few hours each week” to support a small business.
Which is one more thing a chat bot can't do!
Facts are Facts
There are two “facts” which the paint industry has deemed immutable: one is that resins must be made from petroleum distillates, the second–that Titanium Dioxide is THE irreplaceable pigment.
But have you ever wondered why that is?
On my podcast this week I ask my friend John Minerowicz to explain why the chemical cocktail which is paint remains significantly unchanged for more than 100-years, despite spectacular advances in chemistry and technology during that time.
“Minny,” is a retired chemist with a 40-year career formulating and testing resins, pigments and coatings for Muralo, International and Benjamin Moore.
I've always felt that paint could be sold as a concentrate, bringing efficiencies and cost savings worthy of the effort to develop a product in that way.
With the increased costs of shipping adding 2% to inflation, am I crazy to think that the cost savings associated with significantly reducing paint's weight and volume would constitute a competitive advantage for any paint manufacturer who cracks that code?
You'll have to wait to Thursday to find out!