A paint dealer reached out recently asking a question which maintains a status among the most frequent I get asked.
Though that does not mean I have THE answer. At-least not yet!

As the year winds down Benjamin Moore retailers are again left wondering: How is the channel doing as compared to the other paint sellers in the nation? And: How are my stores doing compared to others in THE channel?
Both critical questions for dealers strategizing for 2024!
Thankfully, I knew where to get that information.

And if #Dan is too busy slicing turkey to respond to my text, I’ve got a plan B!
If you’re reading this blog there’s some probability that you are a paint dealer. If you are then there’s even higher probability you’re a Benjamin Moore dealer.
Meaning that you have the answer to this dealer’s question! Or maybe it's from you?
Of course, no one dealer represents the channel’s or Ben Moore’s corporate results: new stores, new sales reps, and other variables can all impact a dealer in ways which might say little about the network or macroeconomic trends.
But THE laws of probability ensure that if enough of you share your results with me and I aggregate them, it would be as accurate as-if #DanAnsweredMyText.
So, that’s my plan!
If you’re a Benjamin Moore retailer email me here and let me know the percentage change in your paint sales from this year to last. Or text if you prefer.
If I receive enough responses to be considered statistically relevant, I’ll aggregate them and report back my findings before the end of the year.
Unless I hear back from Dan before then!
Ready For Take-off
Unusually busy days constrained my time spent writing last week, explaining my absence from your inbox on Thursday. In a perfect world such inconveniences would not be inflicted on a mostly retired former paint dealer.
At-least, not so close to the Thanksgiving holiday.
I blogged recently that my consulting schedule for the entirety of 2024 was likely to be determined by the end of this year. Last week that prediction became reality when an international manufacturer of paint applicators and sundries engaged me to aid their efforts to initiate US operations.
An endeavor likely to stretch into 2025, despite my fear of commitment!
THE first steps require another trip abroad after which I should be able to share more details with you, though if you participated in the focus group I hosted on October 12th, you already know.
Happy Thanksgiving
Before my departure there’s the Thanksgiving feast, which this year finds my fiancéeic and I hosting eight at our table in Stamford. I’m in charge of THE stuffing otherwise staying out of the way.
More time to rest up for an expected exciting Saturday afternoon!
Whether this Thanksgiving has you as chef or as glutton, as host or as guest; I hope the menu and company remind you of all you have to be thankful for.